Humanism and lawless Christianity move soceity toward barbarism.

A barbarian is someone who does not have the civility or the refinement to communicate with people who have an honest philosophy of life, which differs from their own belief system. If you believe drinking cow urine will purify you, as Mahatma Gandhi believed, then drink up. I respect your right to make a cocktail of urine for your consumption. However, as you chug-a-lug that does not mean I have to agree with your faith, though, I respect your liberty to participate in this ritual.

Humanists today have resurrected an old lie that everyone is their own judge, jury and litigator for their moral or unmoral behavior. The hope of the wicked has arrived. It is now fashionable to be depraved.

Many fissures within churches compound the problem as they give laud and approve of depraved lifestyles by redefining grace as acceptance as though light can have fellowship with darkness. Some church leaders pat a philistine on the back and say, “All is well my friend. Join our church. Your depravity is acceptable with us.”

Every new generation constitutes a wave of savages who must be civilized by their families, schools, and churches.[i] Since the baby boomers these institutions’ have catered to the baby boomers’ fleshly desires that exalt hedonism as the new morality where freedom is redefined as licentiousness. The road to barbarism began with the push by our liberal educators in the sixties, pontificating that everyone should get a degree, for the purpose of indoctrinating universities students into humanism, creating a new culture of selfishness.[ii] This new wave of unprecedented student growth after War World II caused universities to become laboratories for humanism. Humanism has offered a false sense of significance. The new breed of pagan has been in search of significance for several generations, but because there is no true significance with humanism, they have been disappointed at every turn. This has produced several generations of boredom. Boredom has been sorely underrated. The humanist cure for boredom since the sixties are anti-social, and are expressed through things such as: alcohol, narcotics, cruelty, pornography, violence and zealotry in a political cause. Many of the Sixties generation shopped that list and still do. The problem is that sin is unnatural, and always results in the death of culture.

Many organized churches have adapted the narcissistic message of grace that creates rebellion by denying that through grace one can overcome selfishness. It is a rejection of the laws of nature and of nature’s God on the grounds that it is impossible for us to be anything other than barbarians. To belittle the Decalogue is to deny God’s authority. The church is responsible more than any other institution of sparking the tide of rebellion in our youth by rejecting or ignoring God’s laws through the doctrine of grace. Without grace there is no heartfelt willingness to obey the moral law which is possible to obey through a new disposition of life by the Holy Spirit residing in you; and without law there cannot be grace for they are inseparable. The church has been amorphous in articulating the Kingdom of God, creating a blur for those who are sincere in seeking truth. Natural law is the incubation within the heart and when cultivated properly by family, school and church it leads to special revelation, there is a God! Truth demands a response. “Choose this day whom you will serve. And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

Christ became our atonement. When accepted through sincere repentance you become a new creation. Only then is the true meaning and significance of life discovered.

The cure for the loss of significance is rooted in true repentance through Christ’s sacrifice. There is no way, can Christ forgive someone and then leave them in the same state of sin they were in before. Grace combines forgiveness with the power to live on obedience to the Decalogue. Grace becomes disgrace when those who teach proclaim that God’s laws are no longer relevant.

To have a King, there must be a Kingdom. A kingdom has laws that are dictated by the King. In the Kingdom of God, law is moral. It is impossible to belong to the kingdom of God and live in disobedience to the laws of the King.

Recently, I received an invitation to a wedding from a friend on an elegant card that gave specifics, such as, time, date, attire to wear and so forth. If I had responded to my friend with derogatory remarks chastising him that he was forcing me to attend, my friend, and rightly so, would think I have been relieved of my common sense. Christ has extended an invitation, which can be accepted or rejected, but it is always according to His terms. If you choose to reject His invitation, then, go on with your merry self and be civil by using common sense understanding that entrance into God’s kingdom is by invitation not coercion. But be aware, outside His kingdom is only darkness and death.

Dr. Ronald Rhea


[i] Bork, Robert: “Slouching Towards Gomorrah” location 371 Kindle edition.

[ii] Since none of them [sixties movement called SDS: many of them today are professors] aspired to an aristocracy or to asceticism, they had to reject bourgeois hierarchies and morals from the other direction. This translated as foul language, sexual promiscuity, marijuana and hard drugs, and disdain for the military and for conventional success. Bork, Robert H. (2010-11-16). Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline (Kindle Locations 530-532). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

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