Navigating the Journey of Deferred Hope In this powerful sermon titled 'Hope Deferred,' Pr. Dwaine Thompson explores the profound concept of hope in our lives, emphasizing its significance and the...
Dwaine Thompson Videos
Discover the Transformative Power of Kindness
The Power of Kindness: Embracing God's Nature in Our Lives In a world where kindness often seems scarce, Pr. Dwaine Thompson's sermon 'The Belief in Kindness' sheds light on the profound impact of...
The Anointed of God
Dwaine Thompson preaches on “The Anointed of God” at Life Springs Christian Church on Sept. 10, 2023.
The Love that Overtook the World
Dwaine Thompson preaches on “The Love that Overtook the World,” at Life Springs Christian Church on 4-16-2023.
Dwaine Thompson preaches on “Faith” at Life Springs Christian Church in Liberty Hill, TX on January 29, 2023.
A Renewed Mind Brings Life
Dwaine Thompson preaches on “A Renewed Mind Brings Life” at Life Springs Christian Church on Oct. 02, 2022.
Don’t Be Deceived!
Pr. Dwaine Thompson preaches on “Don’t Be Deceived” at Life Springs Christian Church in Liberty Hill, TX.