Counterfit morality is destroying society.

 In 1970 my mother worked at the largest military commissary in the world. She handled millions of cash deposits, balancing the daily accounting books from purchases of our military men and women. One-day mom was walking the floor checking with the cashiers, as it was her daily routine, when a cashier asked mom if she could relieve her, as she needed to go the powder room. Mom took over and was checking out a few customers when a sergeant came through to purchase a carton of cigarettes and handed her a twenty-dollar bill. After the twenty landed in her hand she motioned for the MP on guard-duty to come to her.  The MP was there at her side in seconds; she ordered the Military Policeman to escort the sergeant to the executive offices to detain him there until the Provost arrived, as the twenty-dollar bill was counterfeit. The MP escorted the sergeant there amidst his protest, “its not counterfeit!” Thirty minutes later the Provost Colonel who specialized in counterfeit currency arrived. After he examined the twenty-dollar bill, he confidently approached mom claiming that the twenty-dollar bill was not counterfeit. My mom with her twenty years of handling money, responded kindly to the Colonel, “Yes it is counterfeit.” The Colonel retorted back, “What makes you so sure?”  “By touching it, I can tell it is counterfeit”, mom said. He informed my mom that the twenty would be sent to Knoxville for higher scrutiny and bet my mom twenty-dollars it would be verified to be genuine. “You’re on”, mom said. Three weeks later, the Colonel returned to the commissary, approached my mom handing her a twenty-dollar bill. Sheepishly he grinned admitting she was right after all.

Not many years ago and still today, the mantra from the liberal left in the public square goes along the lines of, “Don’t push your morality down our throats” while they push their brand of morality on those that disagreed with them on issues such as abortion and other social issues.

By targeting words not to be politically correct over the years such as sin, morality, conscience, equity, marriage, justice, gender and a host of others has conditioned our culture into secularism.  What is meant by secularism: secular spirit or tendency, especially a system of political or social philosophy that rejects all forms of religious faith and worship. Man will save himself apart from any divine help.Pope Benedict XVI, warned of a “dictatorship of relativism” in European society and is on our shores as well. He said: “We are building a dictatorship of relativism that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one’s own ego and desires.”  The social engineers aspirations are to swap moral absolutes with tolerant-ism as absolute.  

The definition of counterfeit is: made in exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud. Their counterfeit-morals have no values as its roots are opposed to natural law.  Flooding society with counterfeits whether monetary or morality will weaken a nation. I quote Dr. John Lennox, “The right to choose trumps everything else, including tradition and divine revelation. It is the one absolute in a sea of relativism, however self-contradictory that may be.” 

When a culture exchanges the beauty of absolutes for deceptive principles captivity is not far behind. Sin is a cruel master. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.[2] Counterfeit means there is no accountability, which ensures no dignity or value in its presentation. Can you detect a moral counterfeit? If the Holy Spirit touched you today, would He announce you as  genuine or a counterfeit Christian?

[2] Proverbs 14:12

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