Honor is when respect or esteem is given to those that have earned it. Is it not fitting to honor those that have invested in us? Should we not honor those soldiers that have fallen fighting for our freedoms with a salute? Should not our parents receive the same? And the list goes on.


The ox knows is master…, but Israel does not know their Lord. (Isaiah 1:3.) This is a sad quote.

There is an enchanted scene that happens repeatedly on a famous horse ranch named “Glen Meadows” to those that witness it. This ranch is established on the Bluegrass meadows of Kentucky with many dotted Champion Thoroughbreds grazing on the hillsides. At the precise time of 12:00 O’clock the lunch bell rings and the magic begins.

The bell rings, simultaneously all of the young spirited horses gallop toward the prize of sweets that set off a thunder of joyful hoof beats. They arrive at the feeding trough, but hold in their taste buds for the Champion of Champions to arrive; the famous aged, but dignified Triple Crown Winner – Secretariat. The only sports figure to grace the cover of “Time” and “Sports Illustrated” magazines at the same time. She was voted sports figure of the century. This elderly Greek god athlete turns and walks slowly with graceful steps towards the reward with all of the fillies and studs eyes fixed on this magnificent creature. She finally arrives and dips her beautiful and graceful head downward and takes the first bite with the rest diving in afterwards. The ranch hands and visitors’ who witness this scene of honor are left in in awe.

Even these thoroughbreds honor their own. This is what Christmas is all about in honoring our Lord. We do this every day, but Christmas we put a special emphasis on His birth. This honor should be extended likewise to our co-workers, friends, family and others that have endowed us with self-worth. Jesus died for us to be free. Therefore, should we not honor Jesus our savior?

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. ( Hebrews 12:1) Let us be champions for Christ.

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