The following brief story that happened a short time ago is a snapshot of our times. The shaping of culture comes from principles of high ideas or notions unacceptable for human nature. High ideas will lift a nation to greatness, the other unnatural behavior is always struggling to get out of the mire not realizing it is never going to rise higher.
Recently, a relative of mine, of which, I will name as Mrs. G. who is a medical professional gave this narrative: Mrs. G. just completed her rounds of responsibility as she entered into the waiting room to chat with patients. As she was having pleasant talk with them she noticed the TV channel was on a station airing a soap opera that flaunted two men in bed engaged in sexual conduct.
She went to the clinic administrator to oppose the viewing. (By the way, she would have opposed a heterosexual escapade as well. This was unbecoming to have this type of an atmosphere in a professional setting. )
Her superior said, “Mrs. G. your not with the times.” In other words, ones sexual orientation is normal nowadays no matter what it may be. How did we get here with this attitude that unnatural behavior is natural?
All sin is unnatural. Sin is designed to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. All are guilty on this point. However, not all need to remain in its grip. Christ shed His blood to pardon us from our sinful state and start the process of renewing our character. Unfortunately, not all agree. The humanists for example are those that preach that only man can redeem man. No need for a Savior according to their creed for this thought is repugnant to them. The following are a few excerpts from the Humanist Manifesto.
Among the oft-quoted lines from this 1973 Manifesto are, “No deity will save us; we must save ourselves,” and “We are responsible for what we are and for what we will be,” both of which may present difficulties for members of certain Christian, Jewish, and Muslim sects, or other believers in doctrines of submission to the will of an all-powerful God.”
How can we be responsible without absolutes? Who etches into stone the absolutes for humanity? If not God, then who? To the humanist it is the elitists of each generation that will be their god: In so many words the humanist shout: ‘Hear, O humanity, the humanist elitists is our god.’
The Sixth Declaration in the manifesto is: “In the area of sexuality, we believe that intolerant attitudes, often cultivated by orthodox religions and puritanical cultures, unduly repress sexual conduct The right to birth control, abortion, and divorce should be recognized. …The many varieties of sexual exploration should not in themselves be considered “evil.” Without countenancing mindless permissiveness or unbridled promiscuity, a civilized society should be a tolerant one.” Kurtz, Paul Humanist Manifestos I and II:
The humanists have been relentless in shaping our culture to their bent of a cosmic view. Step-by-step they have been at war against the sublimity of God’s laws and redeeming work for humanity. It is sad when Christians get pushed into a corner and are afraid to speak up about our Christ and His saving cross.
My hope for America is different, for I sense a spiritual giant that is asleep about to be awakened – the CHURCH of Jesus Christ! But even after we had suffered before and were spitefully treated at Philippi, as you know, we were bold in our God to speak to you the gospel of God in much conflict. 1Thessalonians 2:2