Avoid the valleys that rob you of God’s destiny for your life.
God has a wonderful destiny for us, yet there are several valleys which we all go through that rob us of our destiny if we camp in them instead of pass through them. Pastor Mike Torres teaches us of the valleys we need to avoid to fulfill God’s destiny for our lives.
- Keys to have a successful year for 2016 – there are some things that will trip us up if we are not careful.
- Psalm 23 – In life we go through many valleys, yet with Jesus our shepherd, we walk through them rather than camp in them.
- It is important that we do not remain in our valleys.
- The valley of Achor – Joshua 7
- A valley of disaster and of distraction.
- We need to keep our eyes on the Lord and stay on course. We cannot allow things to capture our eyes and distract us.
- When we are given a vision from God, it is important not to get distracted.
- Achan got distracted from the Lord through the lusts of the flesh.
- Many of us have gotten prophetic words, yet being distracted with the flesh leads us away from God’s plan.
- The Valley of Eschcol – Numbers 32:9
- God had given Israel the land, but they let doubt talk them out of it.
- When God speaks purpose and destiny over our lives, it means we have territory to take. We cannot let doubt turn us away from our destiny.
- Doubt can rob us of our destiny.
- Doubt questions the faithfulness of God.
- We have to stir up our faith and that is why it is so important to be in fellowship with other believers. We need to be so filled with faith that we have no room for doubt.
- Faith is contagious.
- God has not given us a natural calling, for that we can do in our own strength, we have a supernatural calling that forces us to totally rely on God.
- To fulfill our destiny we need to seek God in prayer every day.
- The Valley Kidron – the valley of hurt.
- There is a time for weeping, but if we stay there, it will destroy us.
- We cannot let hurt hold us back from what God called us to walk in.
- Jesus came to heal the broken hearted.
- The valley of bacah – the valley of weeping.
- We have to move past our hurts by being healed by the Holy Spirit.
- Time does not heal all wounds, only God does.
- God is a good father who wants us to be fully alive in Christ.
- The Valley of Dry Bones – Ezekiel 37
- A place of dryness.
- We need to be in the presence of God.
- If we are not excited about hearing the word of the Lord, we may be in the valley of dry bones.
- We must never let our Christian walk become routine.
- We must always be hungry for God.
- We must not be content with the status quo of Christianity, we must be on fire.
- The Valley of Hinnom – the valley of condemnation and guilt.
- Where Judas hung himself – a place of shame and guilt.
- There is a teaching that now that we are under the grace of God, we can do whatever we want. Instead we are called to live holy, but not allow past sins to weigh us down with guilt and condemnation.
- The Valley of Jehoshaphat – Joel 3
- The valley of decisions.
- A lot of Christians are double minded and camp out there – we cannot remain in indecision.
- We have to decide to live our lives whole heartedly for God.
- We need to stand strong in what we believe.
- We need to stop worrying about pleasing people and focus on pleasing God.
- The Valley of Siddim.
- The valley of sin.
- There are a lot of churches that do not like to talk about sin.
- We cannot live in sin.
- We need to talk about sin, but even more important, we need to talk about Jesus who is the answer to sin.
- People wanted to fight in an area where there were many pits, and they ended up falling in themselves.
- We need to break all fellowship with darkness.
- Sin makes us lose out on the best things that God has for us.
- We learn from Achan affects the whole camp, sin is not just personal, it affects all people.
- These valleys can trip us up if we are not careful, we need to walk through them.