Soaring on Eagle’s Wings

As we draw near to Jesus, we hear His heart beat and are moved with His love to love others.



God’s desire is that we experience fullness of life through Him.  This happens as we are filled with the Holy Spirit and are freed from everything that weighs us down.  Pastor David Amstutz clearly describes the process we need to go through in order to experience times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord.


  1. When we get a vision of God, that is the motivation to let go of everything that we hold onto that weighs us down.
    1. We do not want to grieve God’s Spirit because He is so good to us.
  2. Soaring together on Eagle’s wings – Isaiah 40:31 – The Lord never faints…He gives strength to the weak…they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles.
    1. Our founding was determined not by men but by God.
    2. God’s challenge for us today is to reconnect with the vision on eagle’s wings.
    3. Connecting with a vision is really about connecting with God.
    4. God wants us to know His vision intimately.
  3. What are the thoughts, intentions and motives of God’s heart?
    1. God loves people.
    2. When we stay close to Jesus we see His heart.
    3. God wants us to feel His heart for people – God is brokenhearted over the brokenness of this world due to sin.
    4. God is all about redeeming and reconciling men through repentance.
    5. The great commission is about reconnecting people to God.
    6. Jesus was moved with compassion and compelled by love, and He wants us to catch his heart.
  4. We are created and called to soar to the high places.
    1. Eagles do not flap their wings – they soar on the wind – the wind is the source of the power of flight- the Holy Spirit is the source of our power.
    2. We need to discover life in the Spirit. God wants us free to walk in His power.
    3. It is a life of practical cooperation and agreement with the Holy Spirit.
    4. Each day we need to decide whom we will serve.
  5. The Eagle’s fathers:
    1. They will take us into the high places if all obstacles that weigh us down are removed.
    2. Eagles preen – groom and cleanse their feathers and put them back into order. The process redistributes the oil from the base of the feathers over all of the feathers.
    3. They cannot do what they were created to do without the oil….neither can we.
    4. Preening is like learning the disciplines of the Spirit.
    5. The Holy Spirit has an unabashed enthusiasm for us to succeed and to soar in the Spirit.
    6. God has deposited His Spirit in us.
    7. We are in relationship with God who loves and likes us.
    8. God is irrrepressively cheerful.
    9. When we see God’s view of us, it transforms our lives.
  6. Openly examine and confess our faults is important to preening.
    1. This is one of the steps of Celebrate Recovery.
    2. We need to be determined to let the Holy Spirit work on us for the rest or our lives.
    3. Conviction is not condemnation; it works to allow God to bring us into the high places of the Spirit.
    4. Bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness give a foothold to the devil in our lives.
    5. When we are full of the Spirit, we are covered with oil and the devil cannot get a hold.
    6. How we handle hurts, hang-ups and habits determine how high we will soar in the Spirit.
    7. God is calling us to let go of everything that weighs us down and to be revived in the Holy Spirit.
    8. When we want the life God has for us in the Holy Spirit as bad as we want to breath, when it consumes us, then we will see Him come like a flood.
    9. Sacrifice is critical to success.
    10. If we are not hungry, we need to get hungry for God.
    11. We need to quit running after the waters of this life which do not satisfy.
    12. We need to throw off every weight that weighs us down.
  7. We need to stop the blame game.
    1. We need to quit blaming and accusing others for our sin.
  8. We need to be available for our families.
    1. God want to heal our families.
  9. If we will be revived through repentance:
    1. We will see generations restored and revived.
    2. We will see our families know the Lord.
    3. If you want freedom….repent.
    4. When we follow the patterns for revival, times of refreshing come.
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