How humanism has created four Trojan horses in the realms of philosophy, psychology, sociology and politics.

The Preamble of our U.S. Constitution begins with this sublime phrase: We the People… Clearly, this means by the People as well. However, currently newly enacted laws one would think it’s for, We the Politian’s… by the Lobbyists.  This is dangerous stuff in our period of history.

The famous ancient Greek writer Homer wrote an epic novel called Odyssey. The story was about a ten year siege against the city of Troy by their arch enemy. Troy was the epic-center of the surrounding Greek Member States. It was the envy of all of the other member states due to their wealth, education and impenetrable wall of defense built on a promontory cliff. After the ten year siege these Greek States offered a gift called the “Trojan Horse” as recognition of their defeat due to Troy’s impenetrable wall.  They left this gigantic wooden hollow horse outside its gates. Hidden inside were numerous special ops troops. The rest of the enemy loaded onto their ships and left late that afternoon, they came back under the cover of darkness. The citizens of Troy celebrated as they viewed the ships sailing off out of sight ignorant of their return. Next they went outside and rolled the horse inside to be admired. Their guard was down for the first time in ten years thinking all was good. Late that night while the citizens slept; the special ops stealthy climb out of the horse and open the gates for the waiting comrades’ outside of the impenetrable wall.  

The United States impenetrable wall for more than two hundred years has been our Constitution. Right now we have inside our impenetrable wall four Trojan Horses with its antichrist troops waiting to be released under the cover of darkness. One horse is Humanism, the worship of self. August Comte the father of humanism defined it as a religion of the sciences. The second horse is Social Engineering. They define sin as flawed genetics not choice.  Therefore, this new morality dismisses everyone from any of their responsibilities and shifts the blame to our environment.  The third horse is political correctness.  With this theory the elitists decide what is right or wrong. And whoever sits in this driver’s seat directs the future of our country. The fourth is an apathetic church. Out of the four this horse is the most dangerous. For it is empty inside, but pretty on the outside. It’s just going along for the ride. Lukewarm ministers with no backbone.  When will these ministers stand up for righteousness!  Matthew 11:12  From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. We need forceful men in this gloomy hour not Christian celebrities wanting to be praised by men.

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