God has fulness of life for us in Jesus, but it is only received by faith.
Pastor George Rainey teaches us how to activate our faith to receive all that God has for us. There are several issues that keep us from activating our faith, which, when we deal with those issues through the Word of God, we experience the substance of those things which before we only hoped for.
- What we believe or fail to believe either activates or makes the Word of God of no effect in our life.
- We often receive and accept things by faith that are not in agreement with scripture.
- Our fight is a fight of faith because we have an adversary whose main goal is to take the word of God from us – to make us doubt God’s word.
- Could evolution be in schools to cause us to doubt God’s word?
- The devil wants to stop God’s word from bearing fruit in our life.
- The world is filled with voices which are contrary to God’s truth so that you doubt God’s word.
- Some of the things that hinder faith are doctrines of men and of devils. What really kills faith is stepping outside of love, of getting into unforgiveness.
- We use our faith to accomplish the things of God, to compete for a prize, and to contend with an enemy.
- Hebrews 11:6 – It is impossible to please God without faith.
- Faith needs to be based upon God’s word.
- We can have misguided faith – if we believe that God gives us sickness, then it becomes hard to believe God can hear.
- Hosea 4:6 – people perish for lack of knowledge of God’s Law.
- It angers God when His word is not being proclaimed and preached.
- People were being destroyed not because God wanted to destroy them but because they were not getting God’s word from the priests.
- Because God’s word wasn’t being preached, people were being cut off from God.
- This teaches us that not everything that happens in our life is the will of God.
- When George first began praying for people he wanted to see people get healed but they weren’t.
- George was blaming God, and then God showed him that he had to first share the word of God with people.
- Romans 10 – Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
- The preaching of the gospel has to go forth because people will not believe if they have not heard.
- 1 Corinthians 13 – Faith, hope and love abides, but the greatest is love.
- Faith, hope and love all work together but they are not the same.
- Hope needs faith attached to it to bring forth substance.
- Faith is also the evidence of things not seen.
- Faith is the guarantee that we have what we hope (expect) for.
- We often define hope as a wish rather than something we earnestly expect.
- Hope always deals with the future; faith lays hold of the present.
- We have to get our hopes up for faith to have something to lay hold of. We have to get our hopes up for faith to work.
- Hebrews 4 – Let us fear of failing to enter into God’s rest.
- There are promises of God we can come short in because we do not believe God’s word.
- The gospel did not profit those who perished because it was not mixed with faith in those who heard it.
- Mark 11:24 – when we pray we need to believe we have the things we ask for in prayer.
- People often do not believe they receive what they ask for – there is no expectation that God keeps His promises.
- When we claim ownership of sickness, we give it power in our life.
- God’s word says that Jesus took our sicknesses and diseases – they are his. When we call them “my cancer” or “my diabetes” we are claiming ownership over them.
- God cannot release His power in our lives when our words are contrary to His words.
- Sometimes the anointing will heal, but sometimes the anointing does not come.
- When our children were young we dressed them and fed them, but eventually we required them to take care of those things themselves.
- The same thing works with healing, at a certain point God wants us to exercise our faith and believe His word to get healed.
- We need to confess with the mouth and believe in our heart to receive the promises of God.
- We need to confess ourselves into salvation.
- If we always confess our sicknesses, we will never get rid of them.
- If we confess the word of God which we believe we will be healed.