How society needs to embrace the redemption that is only found in Jesus Christ.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) The famous Russian Christian writer, Dostoevsky wrote: “Neither a man nor a nation can live without a higher idea.” And added later: “There is only one such idea on earth, that of an immortal soul; all other higher ideas by which men live flow from that…”

The idea of earthly redemption from humans’ is replete throughout history. There have been many philosophies of redemption since our first humans, but they all stem from two roots. One root of redemption (making wrongs right) will be realized through man being at the center and the other is rooted and accomplished through Divine origins with God being at the center. In other words, with man at the center of the Universe there is nothing but a confused random of molecules’ of chance particles trying to make sense out of life. Or, with God being at the center, life has meaning, purpose with Divine providence interacting with His creation with concrete answers.

For example, man centered redemption wants social justice without Divine absolutes guiding their actions. Many elitist politicians and other major figures in society believe this way. Why? This way no absolutes are judging their actions. Its result has permitted Congress to have two sets of laws on many issues. For example, Congress passes a law against Wall Street insider information for ordinary folks with stiff penalties and another law exempting Congress from it. This is why members of Congress have gained in their personal wealth over the last four years on average by eighteen percent. Only if Martha Steward had been a Congresswoman, she would not have been prosecuted for insider information. The Bible states a body of lawgivers should not have two sets of scales for justice. But with God’s absolutes removed and reduced to it being a private matter; there are no standards to watch the fox in the hen house- what a lovely play pen for thieves. This is precisely why the humanist has worked feverously removing God’s absolutes out of every fabric in society pushing Him into your private closet. Eventually, not even your private closet will be a sanctuary. As Godly leaders we must fight for these higher ideas of men’s redemption through Christ to turn the tide of this godless attack of man being at the center. We must stand!


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