New Man Awakens

The Fatherlessness Epidemic

The Fatherlessness Epidemic

We’ve all heard the stats on how fatherlessness is plaguing our society. 1 in 4 children in the US not having a biological, step or adoptive father in the household. Children without fathers are more at risk for numerous challenges such as 4x more likely to go into...

Why Are You Sleeping?

Why Are You Sleeping?

“Why are you sleeping?” Jesus said to his disciples when he was on the mount preparing for the upcoming trial of his life. I wonder, how often does Jesus say this to me? When we are not paying attention to what is going on around us, are we not sleeping on the job? I...

Have You Been Invaded?

Have You Been Invaded?

I woke up conflicted this morning.  My morning devo started with a great lesson on how our attitudes and internal struggles can many times appear even when we least expect them to. For example, when I am with a friend, I still tend to struggle with my ego and want to...

What Are You Striving For

What Are You Striving For

I find it fascinating how a simple sentence can have so many different meanings, especially in written form when you can’t tell what the emphasis is on. Take this title for example; “what are you striving for?” If the emphasis were on the “what” then your focus would...