Preaching Videos
The Narrow Way that Leads to Life Pt. 1
The Narrow Way that Leads to Life, Pt. 1 (Preaching Outline) 1) What do you think about the State of Louisiana passing a law that the 10 commandments be put up in every school? a) I started with that question because it relates to the series of messages that...
Lord Open our Eyes and We will See Revival Coming
Lord Open our Eyes and We will See Revival Coming (Preaching Outline) 1) This week a friend told me about a church in Brighton, Michigan. – Is God judging the church? a) I was talking to another pastor about this – he hadn’t heard, was not even a bit...
Finding What We Seek in Christ Together
Finding What We Seek in Christ Together (Preaching Outline) 1) When people tell me about their church: a) Normal answers – worship, preacher, community, for their kids b) Potential answers – we are a people who have encountered God, love Jesus and are...
Restoring Human Flourishing Through the Gospel
Restoring Human Flourishing Through the Gospel (Preaching Outline) MISSION: Becoming a community that restores the world by reproducing the life of Christ with imperfect people growing in grace and serving through the gift of the Spirit. VISION: To restore human...
Restoring the World by Reproducing the Life of Christ
Restoring the World by Reproducing the Life of Christ (Preaching Outline) MISSION: Becoming a community that restores the world by reproducing the life of Christ with imperfect people growing in grace and serving through the gift of the Spirit. VISION: To restore...
What is the Gospel
What is the Gospel? (Preaching Outline) 1) What is the gospel? a) It seems reasonable to assert that one of the primary purposes of the church and of believers is to preach and share the gospel. b) But, what is the gospel? c) First, it is “good...
A Living Fountain
A Living Fountain (Preaching Notes) 1) I want to begin by reading a quote from Joshua Heschel - It is customary to blame secular science and anti-religious philosophy for the eclipse of religion in modern society. It would be more honest to blame religion for its own...
How to Create a Better World
How to Create a Better World (Preaching Outline) 1) Last week we talked about enculturing the kingdom of God. a) What is at stake, and the biblical witness for what God wants to accomplish in the world. b) What is your expectation concerning the future...
Enculturing the Kingdom of God
Enculturing the Kingdom of God (Preaching Outline) 1) Discuss the idea of the culture of heaven. a) Pyramid vs. Garden b) Tower of Babel and the call of Abraham. c) In the church we often try to use the systems of this world to create the garden of...