Bishop Ron Rhea shows how the model used by the Blue Angels comes from scripture, and how by using biblical prinicples in our life we can do mighty exploits for the Kingdom of God.
God wants to to be successful Christians, fulfilling our God given purpose and destiny in life. In order to do so, we need to use biblical principles that help us to fulfill God’s calling and grow mature in our faith. We need to center our lives on Jesus Christ, discern the world around us from the perspective of God’s word, live in covenant with God and with His people, and continually evaluate our lives in the light of scripture.
- The Blue Angels
- They have a fixed point on the ground called “the center point” which is the base for all of their maneuvers. – It is crucial to them so they do not crash or make a mistake.
- If you do not have a center point in life you can crash and die – Jesus Christ is the center point for our lives.
- The pilots go through a lot of training level is called the “belief” level.
- One key element is being able to trust one another. If one makes a mistake, it could be a disaster for everyone.
- The Blue Angels have to believe behind the scenes – they have to trust mechanics, those who have fueled the plane and all of the others who are a part of the show.
- Matt. 9:27-28 | In these few verses you can find all of the points that the Blue Angels use to be successful.
- Businesses often apply such principles and are successful because they do so.
- We need to get into the word and get into a relationship with the Word.
- A brief – a level of awareness of what is going on around them.
- We will never have an awareness of the world around us if we do not get into God’s Word.
- God’s word gives us discernment into the world we live in.
- We are in a post-Christian era where the word of God has been so watered down that people do not even know what it is any more.
- God may be weeping and asking the church whether we believe He will do what He says He will do.
- We need to have a relationship with Him so that we can have a dialogue – we do that by hiding God’s word in our heart.
- Covenants – the Blue Angels have a contract because they are putting their lives into one another’s hand. They profess to believe and trust in one another.
- When the blind men confessed their faith, they were healed.
- Spiritually today we need to have our eyes opened.
- We have settled for far less than what God’s word is.
- For example, a large popular church in Austin announced they will officiate homosexual weddings.
- Debriefing – After each show they analyze what went on and they tweak it.
- They make sure that they are still trusting and believing in one another.
- We need to continually assess where we are covenantally. We reassess our lives because the biggest deceiver is ourselves. It is easier for us to deceive ourselves than for anyone else to do so.
- Nature makes us earnest, but only grace works faith.
- Faith is putting our trust in the center point.
- It is being focused on the center point.
- Christ touched the blind and caused them to see according to His word.
- He puts the cure on our faith.
- When Bishop was dying and had 6 months to live – he relied on his wife’s faith.
- When he saw things coming together, it cured his faith.
- Christ sometimes conceals his miracles.
- God works many miracles in our lives, many that we do not even see.
- God miraculously healed Bishop Ron using surgeons.
- The church is in a debriefing process – we need to reassess what our center point is. We need to assess what we are believing at every level of life.
- We need to get into God’s word so we get mature and have discernment.
- God wants to be the center point of our lives so that we can do great exploits.
- We will be known by our love for one another.
- The true biblical model of love means to be responsible.
- True love is taking up our cross and dying to self.
- A responsible person will be slow to anger, will give people hope.
- God loved the world and gave His son – all things are wrapped up in that.
- He gave His Son so we don’t go into perdition – or live without meaning or significance.
- We have unity and are able to do exploits together as we are centered on Him.
- Other people’s testimony of how God took care of them, it challenges our faith.
- We are living in a culture where people do not want to be challenged.
- Big results come from little tweaks.
- Attitude is not everything, but almost everything.
- When the Blue Angels first meet, the first thing they say “I’m glad to be here.”
- Is one of our slogans “I am glad to be in the house of the Lord.”
- The church has somehow slipped into a stupor where we have forgotten some of the things that motivate and empower us to be at a high level of performance (faith).
- As a church we are called to be like the Blue Angels.
- We need to believe it because Christ believes in us and is asking us to go out and reach the lost.
- Perception is everything in a lot of ways.
- The gifts of the Spirit are there to help us to grow. They are given by God and they are extremely valuable.
- You can also have carnal fleshly churches that do or do not have the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- We have more order in our church than churches that do not believe in the gifts.
- Perceptions need to be eliminated sometimes to get at reality.
- Some perceptions hinder us from doing what we need to do.
- Our Center Point is Jesus Christ.
- Our discernment is God’s word.
- If you have more truth you should also have more grace.
- The focal point is the lost.
- We need to get the scales off our eyes so we get to the center point of what the church should be doing.
- We need to put our trust back in Him at every level.
- Their eyes were opened.
- Some are asleep and need to awaken themselves.
- Are we trying to usher in a Kingdom that is not His Kingdom.
- God wants us to rise above the petty things of life – He wants us to soar with Him.
- We need discernment to know how to pray – how can we pray if we have no discernment? We need to pray what is on God’s heart.
- The Holy Spirit has things that He wants to burden us with so that we pray and people go free.
- Do we really believe people are headed for hell? Our actions should line up with what we believe.
- Do we really care that people are headed for hell? Our actions tell whether we do.
- Are we silently telling people to “go to hell”?