In today’s world, up is down and down is up. When a culture abandons natural law voluntarily or by political authorization the result is fascism.  

Fascism is represented by the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. America is no longer a nation ruled by natural law; our guide now for right or wrong is in the hands of a select few who determine what is lawful. Self-evident absolutes are no longer the foundation of American society, and therefore “American Law” is quickly becoming codified injustice created by the elite. Instead of conforming to the laws of nature and of nature’s God, we instead are subject to the legal creations of sinful men.

Recently, a 5 to 4 Supreme Court decision favored same sex marriage against the political process of the people. Chief Justice Robert’s dissent: He implored his audience to “understand well” what his dissent is about.

“It is not about whether, in my judgment, the institution of marriage should be changed to include same-sex couples,” he said. “It is instead about whether, in our democratic republic, that decision should rest with the people acting through their elected representatives, or with five lawyers who happen to hold commissions authorizing them to resolve legal disputes under the law.” By circumventing jurisprudence based on natural law and our constitution the majority of judges have created and welcomed a new ethnic based on choice of identification.

Based on the 2013 NHIS data [collected in 2013 from 34,557 adults aged 18 and over], 96.6% of adults identified as straight, 1.6% identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7% identified as bisexual. The remaining 1.1% of adults identified as “something else” [0.2%,] stated “I don’t know the answer” [0.4%] or refused to provide an answer [0.6%].

We have been blitzed from every media source these last few days leaving the impression that the whole world has gone LBGT. Why? It’s designed is to intimidate, to silence people, to make you feel you’re not with the mainstream, and the most grievous is that it is destroying our moral underpinnings. Most importantly, the picture it presents of American culture is not true according to the above Washington Post report.

The new ethnicity is whom you identify with you become. Ms. Dolezal was facing calls to step down as NAACP president in Spokane, Washington after her parents told a newspaper, Coeur d’Alene Press, last week that their daughter was born white but, since 2004, has been deceiving people by presenting herself as African-American. The claim has kicked off a national debate over race and identity.

So as I see it, if I identify with the Cherokee, though my descendants are Scottish, I have just changed my ethnicity and I can cash in on Federal benefits as a Native American. Nice cash cow for me. Sounds crazy and hard to believe, but no more unbelievable than what has been in the media headlines of late. With this kind of thinking, we can end racial tension by either having all the blacks identify with Caucasians or have all the Caucasians identify with the African-Americans. That will create one ethnic group. The liberal thinking is that disorder will create order. One Hundred years ago no American would fall for this delusional drip from our educational focus.

What’s around the corner? Our children will be indoctrinated into LGBT lifestyles, city codes will change to reflect the LGBT agenda. This whole agenda is being strengthened by many churches who are caving to the pressure and teaching that there is no such thing as sin, or are redefining it in a way that is contrary to scripture. Such churches are helping unravel an already unraveling of society. In the midst of this lunacy there is a lion that has been awakened – Real Churches.

There is a remnant of churches that will tell you the truth with compassion and give sources to help those under these types of bondages to be set free. True love has compassion for people and seeks to bring them out of bondage.

In regards to female homosexuals leaving homosexuality, below is the testimony ex-lesbian Charlene Cothran:

“Over the past 29 years of my life I have been an aggressive, creative and strategic supporter of gay and lesbian issues. I’ve organized and participated in countless marches and various lobbying efforts in the fight for equal treatment of gay men and lesbians. I have kept current on the issues and made financial contributions to those organizations doing work about which I was most passionate.

As the publisher of a 13 year old periodical which targets Black gays and lesbians, I have had the opportunity to publicly address thousands, influencing closeted people to ‘come out’ and stand up for themselves, which is particularly difficult in the African-American community.

But now, I must come out of the closet again. I have recently experienced the power of change that came over me once I completely surrendered to the teachings of Jesus Christ. As a believer of the word of God, I fully accept and have always known that same-sex relationships are not what God intended for us.”

It is our sincere desire that all people find the same liberating life and power as Charlene did. As scripture says:

Romans 9:8… “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Jesus died to set us free from the bondage of sin. Whether it is homosexuality or any other sin, if we turn to Jesus He will save us. It is imperative in this hour of history that we clearly define right and wrong according to natural law, and even more important that people become righteousness (truly loving according to God’s standards) through faith in Jesus.

Dr. Ron Rhea, (Senior Pastor) Bishop

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