Discover where we find vision.



Vision is found in the heart of a father.  Our Father in heaven has a vision for us, for His Church and for His world.  The primary vision is that we be conformed into the image of Christ, and walk in His love.  Practically speaking, it is a vision for our Father to reveal His goodness and love through us. 


  1. Summary of first three parts.
    1. What is vision – definition: vision is to make things better.
    2. Why Vision – the steps and processes to get vision.
    3. Where is vision – Where we find it
      1. We need you is the message.
      2. Come Holy Spirit is the subtitle.
  2. The Father sets the vision and that is what binds them together.
    1. When a family loses vision, they become less than what they are supposed to be.
    2. Vision keeps the family going when there is a meltdown.
    3. Reestablishing vision – restores life.
    4. Life Springs culture – Fidelity. The goal is to stir people up again to fulfill God’s vision for our church.
  3. Isaiah had s vision to connect people to the vision.
    1. ISA 63:15-16 – Prayer – A heartfelt cry…”we miss you and need you to come.”
    2. Matt. 6:9ff – The Lord’s prayer is the Magna Carte of our Christian Liberties, it originates from the heart of Our Father.
      1. So much so that by the Spirit we cry “Abba, Father.”
    3. God’s Children should reproduce His qualities. Our Father should be seen in us.
    4. At Bishop Ron’s father’s funeral, some of his father’s friends told him that they could see Bishop Ron’s father in him.
  4. Should not the cost of the cross be reflected in our lives as we proclaim “Our Father.”
    1. Does the world see the same mannerisms in us as are in our Father?
    2. Do we carry the marks that identify us with our Father?
    3. The world sees the marks and mannerisms in our lives.
  5. The two paragon traits of our Father are giving and forgiving.
    1. He gave the life of His Son for us and through Him we have been forgiven.
    2. God means what He says and does what He says.
    3. Should we not paint our lives with giving and forgiving?
  6. God wants us to overcome our flesh.
  7. God has a vision for us and for the world.
    1. Vision comes from our Father who has it in His heart.
    2. That vision is written on our DNA when we are born again.
  8. As we seek first the Kingdom, all things we need will be provided.
    1. That does not mean that we will not have problems in this life.
    2. There will be times of testing and of opposition.
  9. God’s vision is to bring Heaven on earth through the church.
    1. That is why we need to properly represent Him on earth.
    2. If we only believe, God will meet with us.
    3. The fire of the Holy Spirit purges us to be more like Him.
    4. If we are in love with Jesus, such language inspires rather than condemns us.
    5. God knows what is best for us and exactly what we need…Abba Father…He wants us to be conformed into His image.
  10. A vision gives us laughter and hope.
    1. A vision is a deterrent to the flesh.
    2. A vision cannot be built without relationships.
    3. A vision lives in the context of a family.
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