Bishop Ron

The Theatrical Mask for Best Actor Goes To?

The Theatrical Mask for Best Actor Goes To?

The Greek word “Hypocrite” means an actor. To pretend to be something you are not. In Athens around 400 B.C. during the Olympiad that was held every four years they had competition in running, boxing, horse racing other sports. Little known, is the competitive spirit...

Collusion of Money

Collusion of Money

The real story is the collision of money and corrupt prosecutors. Have you ever heard this about how people get to the top? It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. There is a lot of truth in this saying. It can be a natural fulfillment or an unlawful fulfillment....

Rock or Sand

Rock or Sand

“America was built on the principles of Christianity.”  Jesus said, “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house,...

The Herd Mentality

The Herd Mentality

If we don’t understand that we are valuable and that transcendent laws are our inheritance to protect us we become nothing but brute animals. The accessory follows the principal. Have you ever witnessed a cattle drive? Most us have seen a cattle drive watching a...

Loopholes and Lies

Loopholes and Lies

Should loopholes and lies be acceptable in our judicial system? If you were on trial for a crime, you didn’t commit it would be resounding NO! Recently, a man here in our county was released from serving twenty years of a life sentence for falsely murdering his wife....

La Marcha Ilegal

La Marcha Ilegal

La Marcha ilegal is a global prohibited march of governments and peoples that are not only crossing national borders but boundaries of technology, news platforms, and political parties. I call this a criminal super-invasion of natural rights. Super-invasions (large...

Open Borders: Another Con By The Liberals

Open Borders: Another Con By The Liberals

Would anyone of you have your house open for any person to walk in without any screening? I remember as a juvenile it was a common and wise practice of the neighborhood parents to check out some of the friends of their kids that were invited home. The welcome mat...

Thugs and Savage Liberals

Thugs and Savage Liberals

Zeitgeist[1] is a German word that means the spirit of our times. To know our history is to understand the now and future narration. The current vision of our times is related to the spirit of our past, like the spirit of dictators, their same techniques of...

Anthropological Sky-God Part One

Anthropological Sky-God Part One

Are there universals that all cultures recognize? Is there a God-Creator who put an imprint on humanity? What came first in understanding, Monotheism or Polytheism? Is there a Shangri-La or paradise? Whose definition of Shangri-La do you believe? Is there a third face...